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Delta Health and Delta County Health Department Announce New Drive and Walk-Through Flu Shot Clinics

Sep 1, 2020News

Delta, CO (August 31, 2020) – Delta Health (Delta Health) and the Delta County Health Department are excited to announce their new drive-through and walk-through flu shot clinics happening on October 3 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Community members will have the option to attend the drive-through flu clinic happening next to the Hospital at the Grand Mesa Building located at 100 Stafford Lane in Delta, or the walk-through flu clinic at the Delta County Health Department located at 255 West Sixth Street in Delta.

“This year we are thrilled to be offering the new drive-through flu clinic for our community members,” said Matt Heyn, CEO at Delta Health. “This flu clinic will allow us to provide an important and valuable resource to the community, in a safe and efficient way.”

Both flu clinic locations will be accepting insurance, cash or check for the vaccinations. The regular flu shot is for ages 18 and older. The flu shot is free with most insurance, or Delta Health will charge $20 for the regular flu shot and $55 for the high dose flu shot for ages 65 and older. For those with Medicare, they will not be charged for the high dose flu shot. The Delta County Health Department is also offering low cost or free flu vaccinations for the uninsured.

Self-Pay or Medicaid patients under the age of 18 can obtain a free flu vaccination by visiting the Health Department’s walk-through flu shot clinic or by visiting the Delta Health Family Medicine Clinic located at 555 Meeker Street in Delta or the Delta Health West Elk Clinic in Hotchkiss located at 230 Hotchkiss Avenue in Hotchkiss.

“We want to do our part to help provide the tools and resources so that community members in Delta County can protect themselves this flu season,” said Karen O’Brien, Public Health Director for the Delta County Public Health Department.

This year a big question has been whether there will be an increase in flu cases along with COVID-19 cases in the fall and winter. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website, getting a flu vaccine will be more important than ever this year. The CDC recommends that all people six months and older get a yearly flu vaccine. They also suggest that September and October are the best times to get vaccinated. For older adults specifically, July and August are too early because of the likelihood of reduced protection later in the flu season.

The single best way to protect against the flu is to get a flu shot each year.  An annual flu shot can reduce illnesses in the community, decrease the time missed at work and school, and prevent flu-related hospitalizations and deaths.  Appointments for the flu shot can be made by calling the Delta County Health Department at 970-874-2165.

For more information on the upcoming drive-through and walk-through flu clinics, please visit or


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